Real-Food Recipes for Cyclists

Find delicious, easy-to-prepare, real food recipes to help your performance on and off the bike. Each recipe includes ingredient lists, simple instructions, and baker’s tips and tricks to make baking in the kitchen a joy. New recipes are added every other week. Subscribe to the Bakin’ Biker’s Sampler Club get new recipes + nutrition resources.

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recipes, gluten-free, dessert, snacks, youth development Tyler Zipperer recipes, gluten-free, dessert, snacks, youth development Tyler Zipperer

Fall Classic AppleDoodle Cookies

These Fall Classic Appledoodle cookies are the perfect bike snack to give you a little warm-up as you're out on a fall bike ride. They’re made with Pamela’s Pancake and Baking flour mix, coconut sugar, cinnamon, Granny Smith apples hand-picked from Paonia Orchard and a little melted butter to start fattening you up for the winter ;)

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Breck Epic Nutrition Plan: Fueling On Whole, Real Foods For A 6 Day MTB Stage Race

In this race nutrition plan, I cover the nitty-gritty behind my nutritional and caloric needs for the Breck Epic 6 day MTB stage race. I documented my entire meal plan, from a few days leading up to the race, throughout the 6 days of the race and after the race was over. I also include a TON of recipes that you can use to fuel your next bike race, event or long-haul journey.

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Biked Goods Mini Muesli Bites

With the Breck Epic coming up, I wanted to make a cycling snack to help fuel me throughout the 6-day stage race. I also wanted to bake a snack that would be a Biked Goods Staple for years to come. This led me to create the ultimate muesli cycling snack that packs a punch but also gets you through long days in the saddle. So here I introduce to you Biked Goods Mini Muesli Bites. These are portable, bite-sized, and filled with simple and complex carbohydrates for refueling. They’re made with 5 simple ingredients and your choice of optional add-ins to customize your mini muesli bite into theee most EPIC bike ride snack.

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recipes, recovery, performance, breakfast, education Tyler Zipperer recipes, recovery, performance, breakfast, education Tyler Zipperer

Grilled Cinnamon Raisin Sourdough Sandwich with Peanut Butter and Banana

At this point, my tapering period for the Breck Epic race has begun. This means less training and increasing my carb intake before the race. So what better than a Grilled Cinnamon Raisin Sourdough Sandwich with Peanut Butter and Banana Slices to kick off this carb increase period? Let’s get baking!

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community, education, recipes, lunch, youth development Tyler Zipperer community, education, recipes, lunch, youth development Tyler Zipperer

A Day In The Life of MTB Coaching Kids + 3 Tips For Party Hosting and Prepping Food

I woke up this morning feeling very fortunate for all the great things that have come my way since making the move to Colorado. Out of all my experiences, mountain bike coaching kids has been the most rewarding. Here's a little documentation of what happens in the day of the life of coaching the kids plus 3 tips for party hosting and food prepping.

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Bike Crispy Bar(s)

As cyclists, we want to look forward to the food we are fueling with and making sure it’s meets our nutritional needs. So what is something that is energy packed, easy to digest and enjoyable to eat? Bike Crispy Bar(s)! They are light and crispy, made with sprouted brown rice cereal and natural sweeteners.

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Sweet Potato Banana Date Energy Dip & Spread

When you’re in need of a quick pre-ride or recovery snack you make this energy and recovery dip. Filled with a variety of carbs and a little protein and fat, this is an easy-to-digest source of fuel that provides quick and long-lasting energy.

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