Real-Food Recipes for Cyclists

Find delicious, easy-to-prepare, real food recipes to help your performance on and off the bike. Each recipe includes ingredient lists, simple instructions, and baker’s tips and tricks to make baking in the kitchen a joy. New recipes are added every other week. Subscribe to the Bakin’ Biker’s Sampler Club get new recipes + nutrition resources.

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snacks, portables, recipes Tyler Zipperer snacks, portables, recipes Tyler Zipperer

20 Homemade Cycling Snacks + Recipes To Fuel Your Next Ride

Since starting Biked Goods, I’ve been on a quest to bake, eat and share good homemade foods with the cycling community. Along my journey, I’ve made different cycling snacks for races, adventure trips, and the kids I mountain bike coach for at Team Summit. Here are 20 of my homemade cycling snacks + recipes to give a try on your next ride.

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recipes, recovery, gluten-free, performance, drinks Tyler Zipperer recipes, recovery, gluten-free, performance, drinks Tyler Zipperer

Tart Cherry and Banana Post-Ride Smoothie

This delicious post-ride smoothie recipe is made with tart cherries, bananas, and almond flavorings. Tart cherries provide potassium and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to help with recovery and sleep. Bananas provide an extra boost of carbs while yogurt and almond butter provide protein - all to help refuel depleted muscles.

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breakfast, recovery, gluten-free, recipes, plant-based Tyler Zipperer breakfast, recovery, gluten-free, recipes, plant-based Tyler Zipperer

One-Pot Blueberry and Banana Coconut Quinoa Porridge

I was inspired to recreate this recipe after visiting Cool River Coffee in Breckenridge for breakfast after a cool and crisp morning spent nordic skiing. Quinoa is a great alternative to oatmeal for a hot, toasty breakfast. In this recipe, the quinoa is boiled with coconut milk and served with two kinds of fruits and seeds for a sweet, filling start to your morning.

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education, recipes, breakfast, recovery Tyler Zipperer education, recipes, breakfast, recovery Tyler Zipperer

5 Cozy Recipe Ideas For Cyclists During the Off-Season

The nutritional offseason gives us a period of time to slow down, get back in the kitchen, and incorporate more whole foods, veggies and fruits back into our diets. This post gives you 5 recipe ideas to help kick-start your nutritional offseason. It's filled with whole food recipe ideas to get your body and mind ready for the upcoming season.

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breakfast, snacks, gluten-free, pre-ride, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer breakfast, snacks, gluten-free, pre-ride, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer

Blueberry and Banana Superboost Muffins

These muffins offer a convenient source of carbs that's perfect for a pre-or post-ride snack to give you an extra boost. They're packed full of fruits and are sweetened with maple syrup and apple juice instead of refined sugar. In addition, almond meal, brown rice flour and whole-grain oats replace nutrient-stripped white flour. These are one of my go-to muffins—nourishing and sweetly satisfying for an easy grab-n-bike snack.

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dessert, gluten-free, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer dessert, gluten-free, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer

Snickers Birthday + Recovery Tart

This is a crossover between a tart and brittle, using the comforting flavors from a Snickers bar. But instead of eating a recovery snack with processed ingredients and bad fats, this recipe has turned plant-based without any refined sugars. A healthy blend of carbs, fats and protein makes this a well-rounded snack to enjoy, whether it’s your birthday or not.

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