Blueberry and Banana Superboost Muffins
breakfast, snacks, gluten-free, pre-ride, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer breakfast, snacks, gluten-free, pre-ride, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer

Blueberry and Banana Superboost Muffins

These muffins offer a convenient source of carbs that's perfect for a pre-or post-ride snack to give you an extra boost. They're packed full of fruits and are sweetened with maple syrup and apple juice instead of refined sugar. In addition, almond meal, brown rice flour and whole-grain oats replace nutrient-stripped white flour. These are one of my go-to muffins—nourishing and sweetly satisfying for an easy grab-n-bike snack.

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Snickers Birthday + Recovery Tart
dessert, gluten-free, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer dessert, gluten-free, recovery, recipes Tyler Zipperer

Snickers Birthday + Recovery Tart

This is a crossover between a tart and brittle, using the comforting flavors from a Snickers bar. But instead of eating a recovery snack with processed ingredients and bad fats, this recipe has turned plant-based without any refined sugars. A healthy blend of carbs, fats and protein makes this a well-rounded snack to enjoy, whether it’s your birthday or not.

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Bestslope Breakfast Cookies
breakfast, gluten-free, snacks, dessert, community Tyler Zipperer breakfast, gluten-free, snacks, dessert, community Tyler Zipperer

Bestslope Breakfast Cookies

When I walk into Bestslope Coffee Company in Fruita, CO I am greeted by the aromas of freshly roasted coffee, friendly staff and one of their staple baked goods: Breakfast Cookies! On a quest to re-create this cookie, I reached out to Devan, the bakery manager at Bestslope, to find out the ingredients she used to make her breakfast cookies. Find out how they turned out.

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Baked Raspberry Skillet Oatmeal With Chocolate Tahini Frosting
breakfast, gluten-free, dessert, recovery, recipes, pre-ride, quick Tyler Zipperer breakfast, gluten-free, dessert, recovery, recipes, pre-ride, quick Tyler Zipperer

Baked Raspberry Skillet Oatmeal With Chocolate Tahini Frosting

Oatmeal is an easy, versatile meal that can be served in a variety of ways. Here I use a cast-iron skillet to make basked raspberry superfood oatmeal topped with a yummy chocolate tahini frosting. This recipe is quick n’ easy and can be enjoyed for a pre-ride, post-ride or evening meal.

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Figgin’ Awesome Date Bars
dessert, snacks, recipes, portables Tyler Zipperer dessert, snacks, recipes, portables Tyler Zipperer

Figgin’ Awesome Date Bars

I had an itch to use this unique plant to bake me some goods for my trip out west to Fruita and out of the oven came these Figgin’ Awesome Date Bars. Oats, spices, flour and brown rice syrup come together to create a brownie-like crust. Then dried mission figs blended together with dates, orange zest, coconut sugar and some more spices made the middle filling for these friggin delicious bars.

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