Friday Treat Yo’self Cinnamon Fruit French Toast

My Friday French Toast Stack. Yum!

After a hard week of training on the bike, I decided to treat myself to this stack of Cinnamon Fruit French toast. For some reason, french toast is one of those foods I rarely make, yet so simple, fast and delicious. Well worthy of a treat yo’self sort of Friday post-recovery ride breakfast.

Here’s a simple recipe to follow, but you have the freedom to get creative and make your own special french toast stack.

The bread

  • 2 THICK pieces of cinnamon fruit bread - I picked up a loaf of homemade Cinnamon Bread from a local bakery called Butterhorn Bakery in Frisco, CO. Feel free to use any bread you’d like, although the fruit bread does make this recipe rather satisfying ;) (Another favorite store-bought brand of mine is Dave’s Killer Bread)

Egg wash

  • 1 egg

  • A splash of oat milk

  • A small amount of vanilla

  • A sprinkle of cinnamon


  • Homemade strawberry balsamic jam

  • Maple syrup

  • Coconut sugar & extra cinnamon

  • Walnut pieces

  • Banana slices

  • A dollop of coconut chia pudding

Whisk up the egg wash, soak the bread in it, fry on medium heat in melted coconut oil until bread browns. Top and savor the flavor of each bite.

What will you treat yourself with today?
Whether it be something big or small, positive or negative, be sure to listen to your body and feed it what it needs. Happy Friday ya’ll!! 🤙

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Tyler Zipperer

I’m a Squarespace designer and trainer that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners start, build and grow their website presence.

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Adventures + Stories: Good Eats, Cycling and Exploring The Desert Trails of Fruita, Co